Welcome to the Rotary Club of Padstow

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The Rotary Club of Padstow was chartered in 1957 and members have developed many valuable projects for the benefit of the club’s local service areas and wider communities.

Members are actively involved in the community by planting trees, supporting Bankstown Hospital and special organisations at Bankstown Airport, who provide important health transport services to rural communities. Support has also been given to people affected by floods and bushfires.

Strong support has been given to young people in providing awards at Western Sydney University, Vocational Awards for senior students, equipment for special needs schools and the installation of ‘Peace Poles’ in primary schools giving a strong message “May Peace Prevail on Earth”.

The club sponsors Interact Clubs for high school students, Rotaract Clubs for people aged 18 to 30, PROBUS Clubs for senior citizens enabling people of all ages to meet and socialise; visits to local businesses to learn more about their role in the community and support for local police, fire and ambulance staff and other services through the Service Officer of the Year event. The club also recognises employees who take pride in their workmanship.

Internationally, club members have provided help in the South Pacific countries, Indonesia, Mongolia, India, Nepal, Africa, the Middle East and Ukraine. Support has been provided to countries devastated by earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, fire and war, and strong support is also provided for The Rotary Foundation, which makes a difference to people’s lives all over the world.

Members raise funds to support these and many other projects by holding Panania Markets, Sausage Sizzles at Bunnings, Sales of Christmas Trees and many other fundraising events.

We enjoy friendship while working on our projects. If you would like to join us in supporting the community call: Gordana Milic 0422618227 
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